As I was constructing this website and writing up my "About Me" section (which I always dread, because every time I talk about me, I end up describing the people in my life who make me "me" lol and I always get called out on for it! "That's about so and so, not you. Tell me about YOU!") However, after really thinking about those moments during my job that I hold dear and preserve in the depths of my soul, I ended up with this:

I could work with a newborn baby all day long. I love everything about them- from their fuzzy hairs, the way they curl, the squeaks that rise out of them when they notice I'm posing them like a pretzel, to the wrinkles that form in between their wincing eyes and atop the bridge of their tiny noses. I love to photograph a bouncing baby, making silly faces at them to capture those innocent toothless smiles. Chasing and making animal noises for toddlers, cracking cheesey jokes to children, and asking high school seniors about their oncoming life adventures... Asking couples who are in love to act naturally to capture their true personalities, asking a mother to look down at her growing belly, filled with so many possibilities and hopes. Finding that twinkle in a beauty's eye, when she knows sheCapturing the emotion in a hospital room as their baby enters their world and the dad cuts the cord. I feel like such a lucky person to be a fly on YOUR wall. 


    Just a seasoned mamarazzi, Mary Smith of Miss Mary Photography 


    June 2013

